How to View Offline Orders

An Order that is completed while your register is in Offline Mode, most commonly due to problems with your Internet connection, is considered an Offline Order and will be stored locally until your Internet connection is re-established.

To view Offline Orders, press the Orders Button on the Home Screen. Select the Completed Tab at the top of the screen; then tap the Queue Button in the left hand column of the Completed Orders Screen. Offline Orders will be listed in the center of the Queue Screen. This listing of Orders includes Offline Transactions, Offline Refunds, and Offline Cancellations that were completed in the most recent batch of Offline Orders, meaning they are still stored locally and need to be uploaded.

After your Internet connection is re-established, you will need to upload the current batch of Offline Orders from the Queue. Once this is done successfully, the Queue Screen will be empty, as these Orders have been uploaded and consequently are no longer Offline Orders. You will be able to view the uploaded Orders on the Completed Screen, the Refunds Screen, or the Cancelled Screen as you would normally.

Quick Summary

  1. Press the Orders Button on the Home Screen
  2. Tap the Completed Tab at the top of the screen
  3. Select the Queue Button from the left hand column
  4. Offline Orders will be listed in the center of the Queue Screen